Meet the Riders
Interested in joining us? Contact Dr. Peter Agwa
"I am riding to help improve the health of mothers and their newborns in rural Zimbabwe. I'm doing this to raise money for training hospital workers later this year: Like a famous king from long ago: I will not offer to God that which cost me nothing."
"I'm riding to help provide support and awareness for the needs of mothers and babies at the Gutu Mission Hospital in Zimbabwe. What a great cause! 'Freely you have received, freely give.' Mathew 10:8. looking forward to a great ride with like-minded folks!"
"I am riding because I want mothers and babies in Gutu to have access to adequate care and have better health outcomes. 'To whom much is given much is required' - contributing to this ride is one way to use my time and resources to support Gutu Mission Hospital, the facility where my mother was born."